Just got back from our very last pre-baby doctor's appointment. Pretty Pregger was a little further along in all of the vital categories, but not too much. If nothing happens before Monday night, we'll go to the hospital and they will put some sort of funky gel on her that gets her ready and stuff (I'm trying hard to avoid all of the words that nobody wants to hear), and then we'll come back
early Tuesday morning to induce. So at the very latest we'll for sure have a baby Tuesday! Either way, Kid's comin' quick! Yahoo! And no crying!
Are you trying to say that The National Democratic Party makes babies cry in some kind of subliminal way?
...or are you sharing a picture of your new Democratic black baby?
Good luck! I'm excited to see pictures! (Of the actual child, I mean, not so much of the labor and delivery. But hey, do what you feel.)
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