Wednesday, October 05, 2005

New Albums Again

Just letting everyone know that under "Digital Photo Albums" in the right sidebar there are two new albums! I know, exciting. There are also 4 or 5 more pictures in Jella's album, a few more in the Sans Jella album, and LOTS in the other two. May you all find us good looking.


daltongirl said...

I think it would have been funny if you had put the engagement photos together with Sans Jella. Then people could have just wondered . . .

JellaMama sure looked good after that delivery. Are you sure you didn't replace her with someone fresh? I did not look good at all, but allow me to remind you that my labor was twice as long. Maybe that's why. That, and the fact that I didn't look that good before I started labor. Anyway, lovely, lovely family.

Cicada said...

You are good competition to my family, I assure you.