Sunday, February 10, 2008

I got friends in small places ...

I'm really not sure what's so attractive about really small places that are going to be impossible to get out of, but I don't think my kids are the only ones that just can't resist the temptation! Cracks me up every time. I just think it's hilarious. Although, they tend to disagree. I wish I had more pictures because Meredith is constantly getting stuck in the weirdest places. The trunk of Jenelle's Elmo car (who knew there was a place so small that her behind couldn't fit), bath toys, etc. Jenelle once crawled under a chair with incredibly low rungs and hadn't yet discovered how to crawl backwards. Didn't know it was a separate skill. But here, Meri had the same problem (stuck underneath a small trampoline):

She can sometimes get out of this, but it usually involves a face plant and tears:

And when I grabbed the camera, Jenelle had to join in, but Meredith was very legitimately stuck. Oh, and I've found her in exactly the same position half a dozen times recently. Apparently that whole learning from our mistakes portion of her brain isn't fully developed. But then again, whose is?


Hannah said...

I love the one of her stuck under the trampoline! It is a very funny phenomenon!

shaun said...

I can't tell you how excited I am to meet your little girls. Just a few more days.

Mandy said...

That is totally cute! It reminds me, one time I "lost" Alice in our front room. She was probably only 7 or 8 months old. I looked up, and she had disappeared. It turns out that she had backed herself under the couch and couldn't get out.

Jen said...

I, myself, have not learned those lessons.......the ones we are supposed to learn from our mistakes. It is one of my pet peeves about myself. Your girls are so cute, stuck or not!

Kristen said...

Good for you for grabbing the cam before rescuing them, a gal after my own heart :) Somehow I think they must be magnetically drawn to places of predicament.