Monday, January 28, 2008

Let's Build a Snowman!

Wahoo! It finally snowed! I've been wanting to go play with the girls in the snow (since we went and bought full snow gear from head to toe) and have been very disappointed each time the weathermen get my hopes up. So it's not like we got a big dump, but here in Oregon we make do with what we got. And Jenelle was quite insistent that we make "a big snowman!" So here we go, here is Meri's first snowman:

I love this, it looks like she's making a new friend, who by the way is not even as tall as her when she's sitting down:

And while this was her first snowman, her first snow was actually on Christmas day (although it sadly didn't stick), which I never got around to posting:

And of course, we had to play on the swing set. In the snow. "Undergoggy!"

And eventually we had had too much fun. "I so freezing!"

And yet, 20 minutes later, she wanted to go play in the snow again. We're sad daddy was at work, but hopefully these pictures will make his day.

Also, I wanted to thank all my fantastic friends for your supportive and encouraging comments about my artwork. I tend to get discouraged and stressed out about it as I paint because I really don't feel like I know what I'm doing or are prepared to put on a show but your comments help me feel a little bit more like I can do it. Thanks.


Cooper said...

Made my day is quite the understatement!

See, I get an e-mail immediately whenever anyone comments or posts on our blog. So I'm just minding my own business sitting here at work staring at a computer screen for the 6th straight hour and answering the 42nd phone call of the day to say the same thing, and all of a sudden I see this post?!? Fantastic!

If I had a little less bladder control, the post would have ended up a little less funny. But as it stands, that was the greatest post in the history of blogs--In my humble opinion.

Jen said...

So cute! You are such a good mom, I just told Max and Molly it's too cold! Then, when I finally got everyone dressed it had melted! Olivia did build a snowman though, which I will post later!

Raina said...

ok.. you really ARE talented! I was certain there wasn't enough snow to build a snowman, but... put Alisha on the job, and she makes it happen. For real... a snowman with less than an inch of snow? Very impressive.

Lyndsey said...

I love the Winter in the Northwest snowman. I feel like that was my life when I was growing up. 2 feet is about standard for that amount of snow. Love ya

Hannah said...

I LOVE the picture of them with the little snowman. I have one just like it of me when I was little

Emily said...

You're such a fun mommy--underdoggies away! Every time I see your pics, I'm just always blown away by how well you recover from your look great!

Also, I love the Meri snowman original! It's sooo cute! Jason and I have yet to build a snowman because whenever we're out in the snow, he just wants to run down the street or sidewalk...we don't quite have the patience yet to sit and build a snowman, although he does love all of his snowman books dearly. Man! I also can't believe that's all the snow you've had...want to borrow some of ours? Our weather reports lately have been a broken record--"snow tonight," "snow today" "more snow this afternoon". Maybe I'll have to send some your way, then Meri can build a life-size snowman!

Ashley said...

Cooper and Alisha!!!!! I just found your blog...through Val and Jason's blog! I haven't talked to you guys in forever! I didn't even know that you now have two children! Congrats! It looks like life is going well for you two. I'm excited to be in touch again! (oh p.s. this is ashley -- alisha's favorite roommate from your engagement summer!)

Alisha B. Whitman said...

Ashley! Thanks for finding us! How're you doing? How're Val and Jason? Where's their blog, we couldn't find it? Good to hear from you!