Friday, June 06, 2008

Neighborhood Lost and Found

Today we walked to my parents' house, while it threatened to start pouring down rain any second. Instead, we just got covered in a nice little drizzle. But as I pushed them along in the stroller, Jenelle announces, "Look Mama! There's my Bobo!" Must have heard wrong. But I looked up, and this is what I saw:
There was Bobo. Bobo had been missing for awhile, I wasn't really sure how long. I figured it was at my parents' house, Coop figured it was somewhere in our house. Surprisingly, this hadn't upset Jell too much. I guess we should have been more worried though - this is after all the BOBO. The one my sister and dad bought little unborn baby Jenelle in the hospital and gave to her moments after her birth. Kinda important as far as these things go. But Bobo, apparently, got lost last Friday (a full week ago!) when we walked to my dad's office. Some kind, neighborly person had propped him up in the tree (my dad tried to convince Jell that Bobo learned how to climb trees but she insisted that "some lady put him up in the tree"), and left him there for a full week. Poor Bobo has probably had enough excitement for a little bear, and we probably better keep a closer eye on him - I don't know how many lives little stuffed bears get. But thank you to that wonderfully thoughtful unknown person!


shaun said...

If I ever find Bobo on the street I am keeping him.

Hannah said...

What a fun story! I love that someone propped him up on a tree and didn't give up when the owner didn't find him for a few days. How fun!