Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Confession Time

I have a confession to make: I didn’t get my wife anything for Mothers’ Day. I’ll wait until you’ve finished cussing me out in your mind before continuing.

I pride myself on being different from the stereotypical husband—I try to do a lot of dishes, change diapers, remember dates, listen to my wife when she needs to vent, surprise her every once in a while, etc. I’ve thought less of men my whole life who didn’t take as good of care of their wives as I thought they should have, believing that it really can’t be that tough.

You know what? I was right. It’s not hard. In fact, as any man who has treated a woman well will tell you, it’s fun to do. It’s fun to think up surprises, even more fun to give them, and fun to serve and give our wives a well-deserved break. So why did I space Mothers’ Day?

Unfortunately, I don’t know. I have no excuse, no matter how hard I’ve tried to come up with a good one.

Both I and my wife have been told repeatedly by friends and relatives what a good husband I am, and how they wished their husbands acted like I do. My wife, being the sweet woman that she is, never outwardly disagrees. (In fact, it’s even very possible that she agrees inwardly too, somehow.) Perhaps the purpose of this post is to try to help anyone reading this appreciate what they have. Because any time you see me or any other husband do or say something that you fancy as particularly sweet, I know it can be a temptation to wish your husband did the same. Fight the temptation! You know what to think instead?

“My husband didn’t forget Mothers’ Day.”

I don’t mean to lecture. I hope that’s now how this is coming across, though I fear it. The point is, I love my wife. She does more in a day than I could ever dream—and she does it on less sleep, with less appreciation, and with no rewards. She is raising two beautiful, smart, artistic and surprisingly level-headed daughters. What do I do with my time? I sit in front of a computer all day wishing I could be with her. And on one of the few days a year set aside specifically to show her how much I appreciate all she does, I don’t take advantage.

I’m sorry, babe. Please forgive me, though I know you already have. It won’t happen again. I love you.


Lyndsey said...

True confessions from Cooper Whitman. Awesome. Sorry that it was at the expense of Mothers Day, Alisha. You better be having one great week, filled with flowers and chocolates. If not Cooper you better at least go and get the girl an array of her favorite crackers!! Love you guys and I would just like to say that how your husband acts on a certain holiday isn't nearly as important as the rest of the year!!!

Alisha B. Whitman said...

Amen Lynds. I'd definitely choose the little things all year round over one holiday. Yet I'm totally not perfect and sometimes (unfairly) want to eat my cake too. Poor Coop, all of my friends' blogs didn't help his case much I'm afraid!

Jen said...

Cooper, you are obviously very thoughtful year round, which is much more important. I did post a very bragging essay on how good my husband was to me this mother's day, but I only did that because it was honestly the first year he DID remember. And I have been a mother for several years longer than Alisha. So, you are sweet to confess, but I'm sure your wife forgave you long before you will forgive yourself. Just don't let it happen again!

Rachel said...

Hey, I got my OWN Mother's Day present! It's less exciting than a surprise, but that way I get something I've been wanting! And Dan doesn't risk forgetting!