Sunday, February 03, 2008

Wahoo! A video!

So I've been wanting to post a video for forever, but being a bit more complex than my normal posts, it hasn't happened till now. Thanks to Cooper being bored every night as I paint, here's a video!

I love the way Jenelle sings "joy" and her cute little coy, leave you wanting more kiss. Oh and the look on her face as she pretends to hug. Basically, that's why Coop can't wait to get home each night! And the second segment, the tackle was one of those wonderful accidents you get on tape, and the somersault is perhaps the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. She really is slightly more coordinated than that! And the final segment shows Meredith's unique little dance she always does now when she gets excited about some music. I love it! She just spins and spins until she falls over. Usually I can't get anything on tape - one of the really big tragedies of my existence. Anyway, hope you enjoy! Oh and by the way, does everybody else's kids think their family home videos are the funniest things in the world?


Hannah said...

Okay, little Jenelle melts MY heart when she sings her daddy song. I had to summon Sam to come hear it too. And I agree, the look she gives when she gives a hug is so great.

Sam's favorite part was when Cooper called Jenelle's summersalt, "sad." Maybe she needs some more "encouragement." ha ha jk.

Anonymous said...

Very cute - nothing like live action! Tabitha came running when she heard the singing to see what was going on. Fun stuff!

Raina said...

Inspiring. Now I have to get my camcorder out and starting working on Trenton. That is the cutest singing I've ever seen. The tackle is classic, and the dancing... I still can't believe she is walking... so of course the dancing is impressive!

Bobbi said...

I want our girls to play together!! How fun would that be? They are so fun and are all growing too fast!

Emily said...

Sooooo very cute! I LOVE Jenelle's little song. I agree with you and Hannah--the hug look is possibly the sweetest thing I've ever seen! I love videos! Good work!