Monday, September 18, 2006

Just in Case

I can't imagine anyone would still check my blog, but for the purpose of covering all bases I figure I'd write on here that my family and I moved. We now live in our hometown--so if you know where that is, good for you. I'm in the process of looking for a job, Jella is over a year old and, just like her mom, is getting more and more beautiful every day. JellaMama is pregnant again, just like we planned it , and we're as happy as can be.

Check out the new album on the right "NEW Jella." Hope all is well.


Rural Dee said...

Congrats on making it back home, I know you were looking forward to it for a long time! Congrats on the new pregnancy, too, and Jella is a beauty. Who knew you two had red-headed genes in you? (Okay, maybe you guys did, but I didn't!) Are you going to be surprised on this one, too, or are you going to find out the gender?

Cooper said...

Thanks! The red hair was quite the surprise. So was the new pregnancy--not entirely though. We like surprises, so we're stickin' with it in every aspect.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back from the dead! The pics are cute (Jella's good subject matter).

Cooper said...

Thanks, it's good to be back. I probably won't blog much 'til I get a job ('cause then I'll have news to blog about). However, then I won't have the time. Maybe I should blog now. But that doesn't sound like me, does it. Good to hear from you, ds.