Saturday, February 28, 2015

Eight is great!

The long-awaited birthday FINALLY arrived! She's only been waiting for roughly 2,920 days. At the very least, she's been dying to turn eight since her sister did a year-and-a-half ago (sometimes it's tough being a younger sister). But the day came! And per tradition, she got to go get her ears pierced:
It was only slightly traumatic. She didn't cause the crazy scene that her older sister did but she did cry and complain about it hurting more than I expected her to. Thankfully, it's over and she's proud to show off her sparkle to anyone that'll look!
She got presents:
She got to skip a little school and go do fun things with grandparents:
so that she would be out of the house while we prepared for a surprise Spy Training birthday party:
And, saving the most important for last, she got baptized:
We are so proud of our fun-loving, toothless, caring, quiet, spunky, easily distracted, smart, mischievous yet well behaved eight year-old!

M at 8
Favorite Books: Harry Potter, Narnia, Flat Stanley, Penderwick Sisters, Sisters Grimm, Magic Treehouse and My Weirder School
Favorite Songs: Anything from "Wicked" and "I Am A Child of God"
Favorite Movies: Harry Potter
Favorite TV Show: Little House on the Prairie
Favorite Food: Macaroni and Cheese or berries
Favorite things to do: gymnastics, baton twirling, ice skating, play with siblings, play with friends
Favorite subjects: Reading, P.E., Music, Writing and Recess
Places she likes to visit: Oregon, Utah and South Dakota

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