Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lovin' Summer Vacation

Just got back from Bend, where daddy had a city management conference to go to in hopes of learning lots and networking more. While he wore work clothes and sat in classes from 8 until 5, we had this kind of a trip:Poor daddy. He's a good sport. I definitely think we got the better end of the deal. Luckily he was able to spend one day playing with us when the conference was over. I was a slacker and didn't take more pictures but we had a blast with Nana, Bopa, Ninnie, and Grandma and Grandpa Smith. Hooray for vacation!

1 comment:

Raina said...

The pictures of your girls in the water is so so cute!!! I wish I looked that cute when I was in the water. :D Gotta love Bend!