Sunday, May 08, 2016

Good times rolling

G: I love the color peent. 
Me: pinK-K-K. Say pinK.
G: Peeeen-CK! And I love the color purple-CK too. And how's this mom? Red-CK-CK-CK.

Visitors! We so love when family or friends come to visit and enjoy our chaos!
Dude: don't you think this looks like part of the Taj Mahal mom?
Blondies unite (L currently hardly lets M get anything done bc she wants piggyback rides and wants to play "mama sleep" and wants to have her read books and ... ):
G just "tasted the turkey with my chin and so I know I don't want it." (Robert Barone anyone?)

Going anywhere with this crowd is out of the question:
G: is this button for emergencies like when there are turtles in the doctors room?
As the garage door lowers, G stands there with her arm straight out pointed at it the whole time like she's lowering it with the force or something. She might just believe that.

Princess Sophia riding her ankylosaurus. Remember that episode?
M entertains herself in unusual ways when bored:
I asked G to go join the kids cleaning the playroom and went to the kitchen. Came back three minutes later and she's coloring in her coloring book on the couch. G! "Oh sorry mom, I couldn't hear you well. I thought you said to color in my book."

Glitter glue is DEFINITELY an outside toy.
G is on a roll today. In the last hour she has said:
"The stop sign says no scary people but yes silly people."
"I'm just pretending to cry bc I'm so beautiful."
"Remember when we went to that park? I peed on it." Said so matter of factedly.
"Mommy! I lost my mouth!" I assure you, she has not.
'Lake Oswego means Nana and Bopa's house but it's in Spanish."
"Mommy, remember this? DUN, DUN, dun dun sun DUN dun, and then I do my instruments like this: PFREEEW! PHREEW!"

Passover Seder time:
And not that all that isn't fun or anything but Cooper and I got away for a childless weekend!! Second weekend in 12 years!
Ninnie and Wes were perfect hosts in facilitating our weekend of the decade. And to make us jealous while we were gone, Bopa took the Big Three to the Blazers last playoff game with the Clippers!
Despite temptation, we even came back when the time was up. 

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