Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Happy Birthday baby L!!

She's tiny, she's cute, she's often in the shadows of her older siblings but refuses to let herself be left out. She's wild, loud, loving, and her own little person. And she's 2!
We celebrated her birthday up in LO with family. Isn't it amazing that our kids get to spend time with four great-grandparents?! I love my grandparents and am so glad my kids get to know them and see how much they love them too!
Now since she's officially 2, she has an excuse when she acts like this, which is happening with increasingly disturbing frequency.
This is also fun. Best when in public, like in a store by myself. 
When she's not throwing monumental tantrums, she is pretty darn adorable. People tell me so all the time. Especially when she's being a complete handful and I'm not feeling it ;) 
Some of her favorite things are: her blankie, bananas, peanut butter, mama, Little Einstein, outside, jumping, baths, singing "popcorn popping" or "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam," being naked, running away, playing with her siblings (especially being rescued while being chased by one of them pretending to be a wild animal), peek-a-boo, books, puzzles, trying on shoes, slides, and when daddy comes home. She loves giving hugs and kisses and wishes every person their own individual nigh nigh in her super sweet, little voice. She oddly replaces the ends of most words with -ooah. Makes it hard to follow! She wants cereal for all meals of the day, and loves to push how far she can go before getting in trouble! Isn't she too young for that?!
Some of the things she hates are: being left in nursery, dinner, being strapped in, grocery store carts, vegetables, being told no, being told to do something she doesn't want to do, being quiet, and being told it's time for a nap. Pretty typical, and yet there's nothing typical about her! You'd think that the fifth child wouldn't be able to surprise us much, but she is determined to keep us on our toes! 

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