Thursday, February 18, 2016


The girls competed in their first Spelling bee! We only had about a week's notice, but they were way excited. Sadly, M made a mistake, corrected it to get the word right but having said it out loud incorrectly, was eliminated in the word "sonar." J was eliminated in the next round with the never-used word, "shoehorn." But they cheerfully watched until the end and talked excitedly about next time. Proud of their responses to disappointment!
During the competition, I didn't think the littles would be really capable of keeping quiet as requested. Bopa, and Grandma and Grandpa Smith stayed to watch while I took the crazies out to get some rare sunshine at a nearby park. Dude played zombie, G played dead, and L refused to ever get out of the swing.
We actually had more than one day of sun this week so of course we spent more time at the park. It's so nice to be outside.
Love the nervous laughter I can hear just looking at these pictures.
When it isn't sunny enough, we entertain ourselves indoors. Nothing out of the ordinary with this moment except that the cuteness of him spontaneously putting his arm around my neck nearly made my heart explode.
And speaking of random cuteness, G prayed tonight, "thank thee that it is M's birthday, and thank thee that it was L's birthday, and thank thee that it is going to be my birthday really soon. Ha! It's going to be a long month as we wait.

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