Sunday, July 13, 2008

Do you understand your kids?

I know I've said it a million times but kids crack me up. Meri does really funny things in her own non-verbal way, which is really hard to write about, but Jenelle - man oh man! She gives me endless comic material with which to work. I really don't do it justice. And I find more and more, that there is really no understanding kids.
Anyway, today in a moment of deep reflection, I was smiling about the fact that to Jenelle blocks are for building tall towers (which to Meri, are for knocking over). But Legos are for making cameras. Yes, cameras. Once made, I am then required to smile for her. She pushes a button, says "chick," and hands me a copy of my picture. Never having seen a Polaroid, I'm not sure where she gets this. I am, by Jelly law, required to take said picture. Ignoring her, continuing what I might have been doing, or running away from her is simply not tolerated. I must take it. It doesn't matter really what I do with it (I can drop it immediately, throw it over my shoulder, or place it nicely on the couch for later viewing), with one definite exception. I am NOT allowed to eat it. Now I'm not really sure why I tried to do so in the first place - maybe Meri is wearing off on me, who knows. But holy cow! I sure learned my lesson. I shall never pretend to take a bite of my pretend picture again.
And actually, this really reminds me of this clip that we saw the other night on Letterman:
(starts at about 1:50, but really gets to the most related part at about 3:20)

Which then makes me think of this clip, because I have mom-brain:
(the right part starts at about 1:20)

Which then makes me realize that I am hungry.


Mandy said...

Me too, I'm hungry, but it is too hot to cook.

Jen said...

We LOVE Veggie Tales. We watch them all the time, and sing this song quite often on our way to Burgerville! Funny! And, to comment on the other post about middle aged, I am totally relating to that lately, and I am even more middle aged than you! It kind of sucks, but is liberating at the same time!

Hannah said...

I love that you tried to eat your pretend picture! What were you thinking?

Love the clips. Children are really hysterical

Kristen said...

I dont understand my kids either..but I sure do get a kick out of them :) I too love that you took a bite of your lego pretend picture, thats too funny!