Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Baby it's cold outside

 It's been snowing off and on since ... gosh I don't even remember when :) I think Saturday or something (you can only see bits of ground because it's also been crazy windy and there are drifts everywhere). Has snowed every other day and is still coming down tonight! I finally got myself a decent pair of gloves and took the kids out this afternoon to sled down our awesome backyard. During the summer as I thought about planting our garden, our slanted backyard irritated me a bit. But since we haven't got around to building a fence at the bottom yet, it makes for a perfect sledding hill! And I can check off my workout for the day, since I spent most of the hour just pulling dude's sled up and down the hill. Again and again and again. Wish I had more pictures of the action, but as I just mentioned, I was busy pulling a sled. Everyone had fun and everyone enjoyed the hot chocolate at the end!

1 comment:

Anna Collett said...

So cute! M's mouth is open SO much!! ha